Document Security and Expiry

Industry: Public Sector

Solutions: Document Security, Document Generation

Features: Digital signature validation and Document Certification, PDF Assembly

Ensuring document security and validity for federally produced audit documents, including online access and downloadable PDFs.

Implementing a solution that enables documents to be accessed online and downloaded as PDFs with a digital signature validating their authenticity and ensuring they have not been modified since creation. Additionally, the solution allows for the inclusion of an expiry date to indicate document validity.

Enhanced document security and integrity, providing users with confidence in the authenticity and validity of federally produced audit documents, along with clear indication of document expiry for timely updates.


A US Federal Government agency responsible for the generation and maintenance and updates for all federally produced documents specifically around audits. The solution that was implemented for them allowed the documents to be accessible both online and downloadable as a PDF. The PDF included a digital signature that validates that this document is the official version from the agency and had not been modified since its creation. They could also include an expiry date with the PDF that would inform the viewer of the document that this version was no longer valid.

4Point, more than just a service provider; we're your strategic solutions partner helping you navigate your digital journey. From consultation through implementation to ongoing care, our comprehensive approach ensures that your experience with digital document processes is not just efficient, but truly transformative.