Why You Should Enable Analytics With Your Forms

Keep track of your forms in production and how they are being called on.

Angèle Taylor

With legacy print-based forms, it is hard for organizations to track any information relating to their forms or the process around them. This adds operational and maintenance costs to support and govern these required transactions. Many businesses have no idea of how many forms that they have in circulation let alone how the users are finding, using, completing and generally experiencing these forms. Luckily, as business are moving to web-based forms, analytic software can be integrated with these web enabled forms similarly to how business are integrating analytics within their websites.

Having analytics tracking your digital forms allows for a central location to keep track of all the forms in production along with the volumes which they are being called on. This highlights forms that are not being used which can be pulled to help reduce costs associated with the effort to support and maintain these forms. You are also able to see forms that are rarely used which may be combined with another existing form or retired entirely.

Organizations are also able to track the path which users follow while completing their digital forms. Information regarding how long it takes to complete the entire form, each section and where users selected extra help, are few of the data elements that help forms designers to build and maintain engaging users experiences that empower the users to complete the submissions on their own.

Business with strong understandings of how their digital forms are being used are able to help funnel users to the web-based versions of forms rather than having users complete forms manually or with the help of an employee. Not only does this create a better online experience for the people filling out the form but it reduces data errors by removing the need to reinput data.