Understanding Styling for an Adaptive Form

Part One of a Series on Styling Adaptive Forms

Angèle Taylor

Adaptive forms are powerful digital form that allow business users to create intelligent forms without having to write any code. By leveraging the adaptive form technology form creators can fully customize the look and feel to meet their organizations or department style guides.  Taking this even a step further, you can remove the responsibility for styling from the form development all together. Form developers can simply focus on what they form should do and marketing can specify the cosmetics of how the form should look.

There are three different ways that you can add styling to your adaptive form, through a theme, through an external CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) or by embedding the styling rules directly to the form itself. There are pros and cons to each method so I want to take the time to look at each individually to have a better understanding as to when each methodology should be used. Once we have a handle on how the individual methods work I want to look at how you can leverage the three methods together to build out a layered design so look forward for the rest of this series.

Adobe Experience Manager is a very powerful tool and abilities to style your forms is no exception. To be able to gain the full benefit of the solution it is critical to understand these different methods to ensure a maximum return on investment from both a cost and time saving perspective.