The Different Methods of Data Capture in Adobe Experience Manager Forms

In Adobe Experience Manager – Forms module there are three types of forms that are available, PDF, HTML5 and Adaptive. Just like everything in AEM there are benefits and limitations to each, so it is important to understand each type of form to ensure that you are mapping your business requirements to the best tools possible.

Angèle Taylor

In Adobe Experience Manager – Forms module there are three types of forms that are available, PDF, HTML5 and Adaptive. Just like everything in AEM there are benefits and limitations to each, so it is important to understand each type of form to ensure that you are mapping your business requirements to the best tools possible. Keep in mind that you are not limited to choosing one type of form for all your business needs.  There is a time and place for each form type and there are no technical limitations forcing a single form type. The best solutions often require a combination of form types.


PDFs were originally created in the 90’s to present documents independently of software, hardware or operating systems. You can create a PDF using the Adobe Designer Acrobat or Adobe Designer.  These forms have pixel perfect layouts and are currently blocked from most web browser so a user must download the form locally before being able to complete it rather than completing the form in the browser.

Although the technology was originally developed in the 90’s there is still a place for PDFs. As forms modernization moves towards mobile ready forms there will always be a need to have print versions with structured layouts and this is where PDFs shine.


HTML5 forms and PDFs share a lot in common with the major difference being that HTML5 forms can be completed within a web browser. Just as PDF forms are pixel perfect so are HTML5 forms. This means that the form will load in whatever resolution the form was built for, thus when opening on a mobile device you will need to scroll and pinch your way through navigating the form.

Converting an existing PDF form into an HTML5 form is not a redesign of the entire form. Depending on the level of intelligence that is built into the form there may be required rework of logic but the overall look and feel of the form can usually be pulled in.


These forms are meant for digital interactions on a desktop or mobile device. Adaptive forms, as the name implies, adapts to the screen resolution that is viewing the form. This means that you only need to create one version of a form and depending on the screen that is being used, will automatically adjust to the available real estate. As the forms are essentially just HTML you are not able to print an adaptive form directly without referencing a document of record.

Adaptive forms are built using the web authoring tool and leverages a drag and drop interface for business users to quickly build out dynamic forms without having to right a line of code.  Authors are also able to leverage reusable features such as templates, themes, and fragments to minimize the amount of repetitive work along with ensuring a single source of truth to reduce maintenance expenses.