The Benefit of Using Adobe Sign for Your Digital Signatures

Adobe Sign is a scalable tool that can help with small organization requiring a few signatures to enterprise business.

Angèle Taylor

Due to the demand of digital forms conversations have begun on how to handle wet signatures moving forward. There are now multiple different tools that can create and manage digital signatures for an organization so the decision on which tool to use can be confusing. Adobe Sign is a scalable tool that can help with small organization requiring a few signatures to enterprise business. This is an overview of why businesses are choosing to go with Adobe Sign.

Adobe is a leader in digital forms. The Adobe Experience Manager Forms module is always evolving, ensuring that the best user experience is available for end users, which has native integrations with Adobe Sign. Therefore, many organizations that are leveraging Adobe digital forms are moving towards Adobe Sign.

Adobe Sign, like the rest of the Adobe suite of products, is an agnostic solution, allowing for integration with other digital forms as well. Regardless of how a digital form is created, including scanning a print based form, you are able to add Adobe Sign to your form creating for a very flexible tool that can handle a variety of different use cases.

Adobe has helped to create the Cloud Signature Consortium to build the new open standard for ensuring digital IDs are internationally compliant, and easy to configure and use. Reinforcing that Adobe Sign can meet these global standards.

Security and privacy have always been a priority for Adobe and the Sign product is no different. Adobe ensures that data is safe and private by working with the largest system of trusted digital id providers that comply with both local and global laws and regulations. Adobe Sign is currently being used by many fortune 1000 companies that span a variety of industries including government, financial and health care.

Adobe Sign is a legally binding digital signature. There are times when a certificate-based signature is required, which is handled leveraging Adobe Sign’s Digital Signature. Digital signatures leverage a Trust Services Provider to generate a unique id for every signer. During the actual signing of the digital form the signer must confirm their identity which will then be attached to the document cryptographically using a Public Key Infrastructure.

For an example of using digital signatures from within Adobe Experience Manager see our Automated Journey Management and Digital Signatures page.