The Benefit of Marketo as Your Automated Marketing Tool

Finding the best tool for an organization can get confusing with all the solutions out there, but here are some of the benefits of using Marketo for you automated marketing solution.

Angèle Taylor

Marketing is a pivotal branch in organizations with many moving pieces. As technology advances, organizations are looking for automation software to help simplify and streamline the day to day operations for marketers along with managing data to help analyze the best strategies to move forward with.  Finding the best tool for an organization can get confusing with all the solutions out there but here are some of the benefits of using Marketo for you automated marketing solution.

Many of the daily marketing tasks are repetitive and streamlined. Marketo allows for customized automated workflows to remove these tasks out of marketer’s queues so that they can focus on more strategic and valuable activities.

Marketo grows with your business. This empowers an organization to leverage a single solution regardless of a business’ size, rather than having to switch out to a different solution down the road when expansion and growth happen. This reduces training and implementation costs and less strain on IT teams.

Having updated and meaningful data is critical for marketers to be able to make important discussions. Marketo empowers marketers with metrics for growth and demonstrate ROIs on their existing campaigns to be able to convince management teams to continue to invest in other marketing campaigns.

Leveraging Marketo builds stronger relationships between the marketing and sales teams. Marketo can connect directly with Customer Management Systems, like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, removing data silos, empowering both sides with a deeper pool of information for contact. To further this, Marketers can create more accurate leads from the shared data, to pass on to the sales team to bring a greater ROI on the marketing campaigns. Sales teams can help marketers by tracking further data about existing contacts to be able to target more meaningful messaging to continue to develop and grow relationships.

For an example of leveraging Marketo see our Automated Journey Management page.