The Benefit of Adobe Experience Manager Forms for Your Forms Management

How AEM Forms allows for a single location for maintaining the entire life of forms.

Angèle Taylor

Every organization has forms that they need to be managed, whether the forms are customer facing or internal, every organization has forms. Users are also completing forms in a variety of different formats, whether it is print and fill, complete online or filling on a mobile device. Adobe Experience Manager Forms allows for a single location for maintaining the entire life of forms

No one is completing forms for fun; there is always a purpose for each submission. That is why AEM Forms manages the entire life of the form, from finding, filling, submitting, routing, and analysing usage. This allows for a holistic overview of all an organization’s forms and processes in a single location. As AEM is an agnostic solution, you can incorporate AEM forms with other solutions to push and pull data through each specific workflow that your organization may have, allowing for easy integrations with current business processes.

Creating and maintaining digital forms leveraging the AEM Forms module empowers business users to take responsibility for form content rather than having to rely on IT teams. Using drag and drop interfaces and conditional drop downs removes the need for coding creating a faster turn around on changes. Utilizing reusable functions like themes fragments and templates reduces maintenance time and repetitive elements. 

Users are engaging in a variety of different methods. AEM Forms empowers users to complete their form process from one channel to the other. Based on the authoring tools in AEM Forms you can leverage a single form for all screen resolutions rather than having multiple renditions for each break point. A form can start on a desktop and be finalized on a mobile device. 

Often organizations need to create communications for customers in batch or on-demand fashion. AEM Forms utilizes automated process to automatically generate forms based on specific user information for print, web or mobile formats, allowing the end user to interact with the communications in their preferred format.