Leveraging the Adaptive Form Conversion Service to Increase Speed to Market

The Adaptive Form Conversion Service leverages Adobe Sensi, Adobe’s AI, to transform PDFs and XFA forms into a new Adaptive Forms.

Angèle Taylor

The Adaptive Form Conversion Service leverages Adobe Sensi, Adobe’s AI, to transform PDFs and XFA forms into a new Adaptive Forms. There is a first-time setup which requires connecting your AEM instance to the Automated Form Conversion service.

Once the service connection has been created you need to upload the forms you want to have converted and then run the Adaptive Form Conversion service from the AEM web interface. You will be prompted to specify a template, for the layout of the new adaptive form, and a theme, for the styling of the new adaptive form. The system will then begin the process of identifying elements and building out the adaptive form to match the same field elements as the original document.

After processing the form, you will get two output files, the adaptive form, and the schema that was generated from your uploaded PDF. It is a good idea to test the converted Adaptive Form to ensure that it functions as expected. Adobe Sensi is always learning and can convert basic forms with no problem but depending on the logic in the form there may be some required tweaks.

There are some limitations to the conversion tool that need to be considered when planning a conversion project with the Adaptive Form Conversion Services. Forms must not be secured, must be written in English, must not have any spaces in the file name and must not be uploaded as part of a PDF Portfolio. This may require prework to prep forms before they will be able to be run through the adaptive form conversion tool.

Another consideration for leveraging the Adaptive Form Conversion Service is creating an organizational template and theme rather than using the stock out of the box template and themes. Creating a base template for your organization ensures that you can control the general layout of your forms, while creating a custom theme ensures the look and feel relates back to the rest of the organizations branding. You are also not limited in having just one template or one theme so spending the time analyzing the best layouts is a good exercise to do before converting PDFs and XFAs into adaptive forms.