How to Reduce Maintenance Expenses Utilizing Modern Digital Form Design

Employing business friendly implementation tools and automated processes reduces the demand on IT and empower content creators to reduce turn around times for content changes.

Angèle Taylor

As business move towards digital forms a new method for designing forms can reduce maintenance costs throughout the organization. Modular designs of commonly used sections, such as headers and footers, styling and branding, and shared content, allows for a single source of truth for these elements that can be shared among multiple forms , reducing time to create and update. Employing business friendly implementation tools and automated processes reduces the demand on IT and empower content creators to reduce turn around times for content changes.

Thinking of sections of forms as separate pieces allows form designers to create modular reusable pieces which can be leveraged in multiple different locations while creating a central location to manage each chunk. Authors are then able to build out content utilizing the individual modular pieces wherever reusable content is needed. When a change needs to be made to one of these modular pieces only one single location would need to be modified rather than having to modify every reference which some of the traditional forms design would have used to do. 

Empowering content creators to create and modify their own content reduces the demand of the IT group. There are routine changes that authors are requesting that can become the responsibility of the creation team, such as content changes, that reduce turn around times.

Utilizing digital forms allows form automation to be associated to handle the submission process. Moving away from manual submissions reduces the demand on the business to manage and track where in the process a submission. Creating automated workflows also reduces the demand on IT and reduces tasks going missing or being redone.

As technology advances there are always new and better ways to employ digital forms implementations. These were just a few common areas that organizations are finding success to help reduce maintenance and operating expenses. Feel free to reach out if you would like to discuss how modern form implementations can benefit your organization to reduce maintenance expenses.