How to Reduce Drop Out Rates on Enrolment

Ensure applicants are self sufficient through online solutions

Angèle Taylor

When creating a process to enroll for a new product or service, the process should be designed to be as simple as possible. When things become confusing or difficult to complete, most users will drop out immediately and not search for resolutions themselves. Ensuring that the applicants are self-sufficient not only reduces the cost for an organization to support the applicants but also allows the applicants to complete the process on their own terms.

In that vein, we should give applicants the flexibility to be able to complete the enrollment whenever they want. Having online solutions removes the requirements of inconvenient business hours but can create new problems such as accessibility for people with disabilities and compatibility with an array of different viewing devices, which can be resolved with proper tools and planning.

Furthermore, reduce the amount of information that you are expecting the applicants to complete will also encourage the completion of the procedure. Simplify this by prepopulating any known information about the applicant, reduces the number of repetitive fields or even integrate with social media accounts to reduce the time to complete an application.

Allow the applicants to be able to complete the entire process online by removing the need to print and resubmit. Granting the ability to add required supporting documents through the application along with having digital signatures removes the need to print, modify and fax back. Reducing the number of required actions will increase the chance that the applicant will reach then end of the application.

Lastly, track the process of online submissions and when it has been identified that the application has been incomplete reengage by sending reminders and links to the applications which will allow the applicant to continue the application where they left off without having to renter data.

For an example of an enrollment process within Adobe Experience Manager see our Automated Journey Management page.