How to Increase the Speed-To-Market for New Forms and Applications

Adobe Experience Manager Forms leverages a modular design to increase the speed to market for the development of new forms.

Angèle Taylor

Creating a new form can be very time consuming. There are many different parts that must be considered and optimized to ensure that long term use and maintenance of the form is maximized. Adobe Experience Manager Forms leverages a modular design to increase the speed to market for the development of new forms.

Form templates allow for a launching point for creating new forms. Common sets of elements that form designers need to use every time they create a new form can be added to your template to reduce the repetitive work of adding them on every time a new form is created. You are also able to create multiple different templates based on what is frequently used, whether is specific layouts or versions for departments.

Leveraging themes within AEM Forms allows you to create a standard guide for how the branding should appear. This frees up designers to not style each individual form but reuse the predefined guide. You are also able to build different variations of themes for different departments or different brand identities that are owned by the same parent company, meaning forms with the same functionality can  just leverage a different theme rather than having to build a completely new version of the form.

There will always be content that is shared across forms, some examples could include legal or instructional text, common groupings of elements like an address block or intelligent pieces like linked option pickers. AEM allows for these shared pieces to be created as fragments which become their own entity to be used in forms just like you would any other form element. Being able to use approved fragments into new forms reduces the amount of time to create the initial piece but also reduces the amount of testing.

The authoring tool is designed with a WYSIWYG interface giving form content creators immediate feedback on how their new form will look and behave. Not only does the interface show the standard desktop layout but you are able to see what the form would look at when viewed at different screen sizes like tablet and mobile. The authoring tools have also been designed to allow non-technical people to build out intelligent forms without having to write lines of code by leveraging drop downs and checkboxes.

These are some of the key features that can help get new forms into circulation faster. If you would like to discuss how AEM Forms can help your organization, feel free to reach out to me.