How to Improve Digital Experiences

Meet the expectations of your users.

Angèle Taylor

As technology continues to advance the expectations from users continues to grow. The idea of having to do anything in person, on the phone or requiring a printer is not only discouraging but becoming more and more unacceptable. Convenience is everything to the consumer and a business must meet these expectations or they can expect to lose their customers.

Organizations are aware of this problem and have readily been improving their digital experiences for customers whether it is updating websites to be mobile friendly or creating accessible social media platforms and xxx. The more complicated process for companies is to modernize anything around data capture; everything from applications, renewals, enrollment and xxx.

These processes have generally all been performed with a paper-based process causing difficulties for organizations to modernize. Creating a digital version or a form is easy enough but allowing the form to adjust to different possible viewing devices is a more complicated matter usually requiring a technical team to write and maintain code, while the team who generally owns and maintain these processes do not have the skill set. Often users are expected to have to add supporting documents or add a wet signature onto the submission as well. This means that a user may be able to start their journey through a digital form of data capture, but they would still need to print, sign and resubmit (scan, fax, mail).

Taking this a step further how a submission is processed also tend to be very manual. A print version of the submission may end up on someone’s desk, get lost under a stack of other documents or. Since the process is manual there is now way for the original user to check on the status of their request.

It may sound straightforward but the solution to this problem is to create an end-to-end digital process; from finding the appropriate form, gathering data. Adding attachments, signing, submitting and processing. Investing in the proper software enables content creators to build and maintain completely digital solutions. If you would like to learn more about how the proper software can help digitize your data capture process feel free to reach out.

For an example of a digital enrollment experience within Adobe Experience Manager see our Automated Journey Management page.