An Overview of Marketo

Why building out engaging marketing campaigns to handle customizable customer journeys can transform your business

Angèle Taylor

Marketo is an automated, dynamic, streamlined tool that allows marketers to build out intelligent engaging marketing campaigns to handle customizable customer journeys. Marketo can also be integrated with Customer Management Systems to build a more robust view on opportunities for your sales teams.

In our technology driven society, marketing campaigns need to be consistent in the messaging being shown across different channels that we interact with. Marketo allows a central location to manage each customer journey through a variety of methods, such as SMS, direct mail, email, and in-app, to keep customers engaged.

A customer journey is not a straight line, there are many twists and turns. Marketo ensures that you can dynamically adjusts to individual interactions with automated personalization to build a complete and engaging story. Integrations with major CMS tools, like Salesforce, Microsoft dynamics and SAP, to reduce duplication of data and building a clearer vision on specific opportunities.

As consumers, we are all being bombarded with advertisements on a regular basis. After awhile it all begins to just sound like noise, which is why it is critical to ensure that the advertisements your organization send out are personalized and relevant to the recipient. Marketo leverages existing information about both known and anonymous visitors to determine the best content for each unique individual along with A/B testing features to ensure the best messaging is delivered.

No marketing campaign can be a success without having some form of measurement against it. Marekto allows for insights into you marketing campaigns to see where the largest impacts can be made. Having deeper insights into opportunities empowers marketers to move forward with campaigns confidently along with showing management the measurable impacts from the efforts.