An Overview of Adobe Sign

Solve the barriers to signatures 

Angèle Taylor

Adobe Sign is a legally binding digital signature that can be added to electronic documents and forms. As organizations are moving from print-based forms to digital forms, a major hurdle is how to handle signatures. Some organizations are still requiring digital forms to be printed, signed with a wet signature, and then either scanned or mailed back in. Adobe Sign looks to solve this problem, allowing users to complete the entire submission process without ever having to print a document.

Adobe Sign can be used to sign any digital file that you would like a signature for. The digital file is sent to the Adobe Sign server to be converted to a read-only object with an editable field, the signature block. This converted file is delivered back to the signer to add their signature.

Integrating Adobe Sign with intelligent forms found within the Adobe Experience Manager can create a personalized, dynamic, and engaging experience for users completing form submissions. Allow signers to complete forms from the device of their choice in a seamless process.

The actual process of signing the document does not require any special features for the end-user. They simply need to select the signature box, and add their signature graphic into the form, whether it be by uploading an image, typing it in with a keyboard, or signing with a touch device, then selecting the confirm button at the bottom of the screen. It is important to note that it is the act of selecting the acknowledgment button at the bottom of the signature which makes the signature valid not the graphical representation of their name.

In cases where a certificate-based signature is required Adobe has a version of Adobe Sign, called a Digital Signature, which complies with the strictest legal regulations. Digital Signatures use a Trust Services Provider (TSP) to generate a unique id for every signer. When the signer goes to sign an actual document, they will be prompted to revalidate their identity which will then be bound to the document cryptographically using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to know more about Adobe Sign and how it can benefit your organization.

For more informtion on digital signatures see our Digital Signatures page.