An Overview of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms

Create and manage engaging, personalized experiences

Angèle Taylor

Adobe Experience Manager is an enterprise software solution designed to help create and manage engaging, personalized, and memorable experiences. The Forms module is aimed at handling data capture and document generation along with the business requirements to complete these processes.

AEM Forms can handle both online and offline environments, web and print-based forms, and can handle both desktop and mobile devices. It is also designed to be an agnostic solution, so you can integrate AEM Forms with other systems to push or pull data to link with existing business solutions and processes that may already exist.

The interface for creating forms is done with an easy-to-use drag and drop interface. Adobe provides a robust list of widgets that can be added to a form along with the visual tools for creating logic into forms. This means that creating forms does not require technical skills to write lines of code to generate.

AEM Forms leverages reusable features such as fragments, templates, and themes to create a modular design of forms. This allows for changes to be made once and cascaded out to forms which are using these reusable elements, giving a single source of truth, and reducing maintenance resources. This also empowers departments to own and share out content to ensure the most updated versions are in circulation. An example of this would be terms and conditions which legal departments would need to approve and maintain.

There is more to data capture than just providing an end-user a form to complete. We must consider how is a form found? How are the end-users completing the form? What should happen when the form is completed? Is there sensitive information that needs to be protected? There are multiple different methods in which AEM Forms can handle these considerations which can differ based on specific requirements but AEM Forms is designed to be flexible and secure to accommodate unique business requirements.

The possibilities of how AEM Forms can simplify the business process are endless but here are a few areas that are very common amongst a variety of different verticals: enrollment and onboarding, mobile field inspections, case management, document security, and correspondence management. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss further use cases for AEM Forms.