An Overview of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Cloud Services

Learn about the benefits of leveraging AEM Cloud Services

Angèle Taylor

Cloud Services refer to services that are delivered on demand by an organization to their customers over the internet rather than having to install and maintain solutions at physical locations. It is likely that you are currently using some applications as a cloud service already, such as email and social media apps.

Adobe is offering Cloud Services to their customers using the Adobe Experience Manager Sites and Adobe Experience Manager Assets modules. This does not change the interactions for the end users, as AEM is a web-based server solution. Users would still access their private AEM environment using a web browser, the difference being that Adobe would be hosting the physical server rather than their local IT team. 

Leveraging AEM Cloud Service has many benefits. As Adobe is hosting the server, Adobe ensures that the server is always up and running; organizations no longer need to worry about power outages or server failures. Utilizing AEM as a Cloud Service would also eliminate the load balancing concerns for IT team; whether it be peak seasons or just an influx of requests to the server, Adobe will generate new instances to balance the demand the organization is requiring. Although the most important benefit of AEM Cloud Service is that it is always current. Adobe regularly pushes out updates to the AEM software to ensure bug fixes and security updates are always current ensuring your team has the latest and greatest at any given time.

Using AEM Cloud Services benefits the whole organization. IT is freed up from having to maintain the servers and software, reducing the costs associated with managing and running the servers. Authors of content are always using the most update features and components to ensure that their content is being built with the prevailing technologies. Developers leverage the blueprint feature to ensure that their code changes pass the cloud requirements reducing the number of failed deployments, while Marketers can get to market quicker.

Learn more about AEM Cloud services and cloud migration from our Cloud Migration podcast.